Is it Safe to Smoke Cannabis During Pregnancy?

Is it safe to smoke cannabis while pregnant? If you are asking this question, you are not alone. This topic is currently being examined, publicly and in scientific and medical communities. Because many women are choosing to consume marijuana before, during, and after pregnancy, there is a need for more information on this topic to understand the risks. Smoking weed today is not the same as it was 20 years ago. Strains of bud are stronger and much more accessible than ever before. There are many reasons for easier access to weed, which include many different forms of cannabis and reduced legal restrictions. You can even buy weed online in Canada . Does that make it safe? The short answer is no. Yet, some sources and studies suggest that it’s not so simple. What Are the Benefits of Marjiuana for Adults? The effects of marijuana on the human body have been greatly studied. The effects on fetal development less so. What we do know is that for adults cannabis can: Relax muscles Reduce...